Category: Events
Invitation – uitnodiging voor 21-02-2024 ME Aalter-Belgium
Dear Emmaüs Aalter secondary, a school of Brothers of Charity, is very pleased to invite educational Flanders to an event on “Future Education“, organized as part of the MaFEA Erasmus+ project. Together with partner schools from Finland, Portugal, Estonia and the Netherlands, we conducted more than two years of research into the effective use of…
MaFEA Multiplier-tapahtuma Suomessa 6.11.
Valitettavasti on välttämätöntä peruuttaa tämä tapahtuma. Kiitämme teitä paljon kiinnostuksestanne! Unfortunately is necessary to cancel this event. We thank you so much for your interest. Miksi järjestämme tämän tapahtuman? Tapahtuman tarkoituksena on jakaa suoraan esimerkkejä MaFEA-hankkeen tuloksesta, hyvästä käytännöstä ja herättää keskustelua seuraavista aiheista: Kenelle tämä tapahtuma on tarkoitettu? Tapahtuma on suunnattu ensisijaisesti ammatillisten oppilaitosten…
MaFEA project brings new technological solutions to VOCO
Last week, the Erasmus+ project “Making Future Education Accessible” (MaFEA) partners held a LTT3 workshop at Tartu VOCO to summarise the activities so far in partner schools in Finland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal and Estonia. Teachers presented the ways in which they have used new technologies in teaching, and demonstrated the teaching materials and lesson…
Teacher Training in Omnia
The first teacher training event took place in Omnia Finland May 11.-12. 2022. Teachers from all project partners gathered in Espoo to learn about and hare their first experiences with the Robotics, VR and AR in education. The MaFEA teachers agree that digital learning and teaching through different simulation exercises is the way forward for…
Project meeting in Portugal
The second project meeting took place in Lisbon Portugal. MaFEA partners than the Escola Commercio Lisboa for excellent arrangement and hosting the meeting. Despite the restrictions on travel and paperwork we were happy to meet and start the process of acquiring the digital tools that will be tested out during the MaFEA project.